4 Things you need to know about Brisbane before buying Property

Whether it’s the Winters that never come, or the massive suburban blocks on offer at prices that wouldn’t buy a carport down south, property investors can’t get enough of the river city. While Sydney and Melbourne property prices continue to skyrocket, the Brisbane market is ripe for the picking. But there are big differences between what makes Brisbane’s property market tick, compared to Sydney and Melbourne. So here’s our list of four things you must know about Brisbane before buying. 1. Start with a plan As with all property investments , getting an in-depth understanding of the area is crucial to making good decisions. Luckily, Brisbane has a wealth of information available to do just that. In 2014 the Brisbane City Council released its’ plan for the future development of the city. The Plan is available online, together with interactive mapping tools and fact sheets, which outline the important information on flooding, overla...